Vincent Labiouse






Civil Eng. section

Published on October 9th, 2017   


Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters               1   ¦   2   ¦   3   ¦   4

L. Yu, E. Weetjens, X. Sillen, T. Vietor, X. Li, P. Delage, V. Labiouse and R. Charlier. Consequences of the Thermal Transient on the Evolution of the Damaged Zone Around a Repository for Heat-Emitting High-Level Radioactive Waste in a Clay Formation: a Performance Assessment Perspective, in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, vol. 47, num. 1, p. 3–19, 2014.
O.-C. Mavrouli, J. M. Abbruzzese, J. Corominas and V. Labiouse. Review and Advances in Methodologies for Rockfall Hazard and Risk Assessment, in Mountain Risks: From Prediction to Management and Governance, p. 179-199, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research Volume 34, 2013.
I. Manzella and V. Labiouse. Empirical and analytical analyses of laboratory granular flows to investigate rock avalanche propagation, in Landslides, vol. 10, num. 1, p. 23-36, 2013.
A. Volkwein, K. Schellenberg, V. Labiouse, F. Agliardi and F. Berger et al. Rockfall characterization and structural protection - a review, in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 11, p. 2617-2651, 2011.
V. Labiouse and J. M. Abbruzzese. Rockfall hazard zoning for land use planning, in Rockfall engineering, p. 211-253, 2011.
L. K. A. Dorren, U. Domaas, K. Kronholm and V. Labiouse. Methods for predicting rockfall trajectories and runout zones, in Rockfall engineering, p. 143-173, 2011.
P. Christe, P. Turberg, V. Labiouse, R. Meuli and A. Parriaux. An X-ray computed tomography-based index to characterize the quality of cataclastic carbonate rock samples, in Engineering Geology, vol. 117, p. 180-188, 2011.
F. Sandrone and V. Labiouse. Identification and analysis of Swiss National Road tunnels pathologies, in Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless, vol. 26, num. 2, p. 374-390, 2011.
M. Jaboyedoff and V. Labiouse. Technical note: Preliminary estimation of rockfall runout zones, in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences NHESS, vol. 11, p. 819-828, 2011.
S. Plumey, A. Muttoni, L. Vulliet and V. Labiouse. Analytical and numerical analyses of the load-bearing capacity of retaining walls laterally supported at both ends, in International Journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, vol. 35, num. 9, p. 1019-1033, 2011.