Vincent Labiouse

Current work





Civil Eng. section

Published on October 9th, 2017   


Research activities

Physical and numerical modelling of the Excavation Damaged Zone around galleries in a clay formation in the context of a radioactive waste disposal

ONDRAF funding, 2016-2020. Study of the anisotropic response observed around galleries driven in the Boom clay formation. Experiments on thick-walled hollow cylindrical specimens that are mimicking at reduced-scale a gallery excavation. Comparaison of the test results with in situ observations and with numerical simulations accounting for the anisotropic strength and deformation properties of laminated natural materials. PhD thesis in progress.

Physical modelling of the runout of rock avalanches

Research aiming at a better understanding of the mechanisms involved during the mass propagation, at determining the most influential factors and at delineating the areas at risk. Improvement of the release box to test various geometric configurations of the departure zone. Analysis of the experimental data and comparaison with numerical simulation results (RASh3D et DAN3D codes).

Consulting and standardisation activities

Standardisation committees

Member of the SIA (Swiss engineers and architects association) professional committee for the follow up of the Swisscode 267 on geotechnical design (from 2004). Swiss delegate in the SC7 subcommittee of the CEN/TC250 for the follow up of the European standard Eurocode7 on Geotechnical design (from winter 2017).
Scientific boards

Member of the scientific advisory board of the French national project C2ROP : Rockfall hazard, risk management and protection measures (2015 - 2019) and of the scientific committee of the international symposia "Rock Slope Stability" RSS.