Articles de revues à comité de lecture et Chapitres de livres 1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4
| F. Sandrone and V. Labiouse. Analysis of the evolution of road tunnels equilibrium conditions with a convergence–confinement approach, in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, vol. 43, num. 2, p. 201-218, 2010.
| V. Labiouse and B. Heidenreich. Half-scale experimental study of rockfall impacts on sandy slopes, in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences NHESS, vol. 9, p. 1981-1993, 2009.
| J. M. Abbruzzese, C. Sauthier and V. Labiouse. Considerations on Swiss methodologies for rock fall hazard mapping based on trajectory modelling, in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 9, p. 1095–1109, 2009.
| T. Vogel, V. Labiouse and H. Masuya. Rockfall protection as an integral task, in Structural Engineering International, vol. 19, num. 3, p. 304-312, 2009.
| F. Rojat, V. Labiouse, P. K. Kaiser and F. Descoeudres. Brittle rock failure in the Steg lateral adit of the Lötschberg base tunnel, in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, vol. 42, p. 341-359, 2009.
| I. Manzella and V. Labiouse. Flow experiments with gravel and blocks at small scale to investigate parameters and mechanisms involved in rock avalanches, in Engineering Geology, vol. 109, p. 146–158, 2009.
| I. Manzella and V. Labiouse. Qualitative analysis of rock avalanches propagation by means of physical modelling of non-constrained gravel flows, in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, vol. 41, num. 1, p. 133-151, 2008.
| F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse and J.-F. Mathier. Data collection for Swiss road tunnels maintenance, in Felsbau, num. 1, p. 8-14, 2007.
| V. Labiouse and O. Fontana. Considérations sur le dimensionnement des pieux-Eurocode 7 et SIA 267, in Publ. de la Société Suisse de Mécanique des Sols et des Roches, num. 151, p. 13-34, 2005.